Privacy Policy

1. Introduction

Montres Chouriet SA, whose registered office is Chemin de l’Epinglier 5 in Meyrin, 1217 (hereinafter: “Montres Chouriet” or “we“, “us”, “our“), provides sales services of watchmaking products and other activities related to watchmaking (hereinafter: our “Service(s)“). We also offer content relating to our Services on our website: (hereinafter: the “Website“).

In order to provide and develop our Services, as well as to provide content on our Website, we collect, use and communicate a certain amount of personal data about you. When we refer to personal data, we mean personal data within the meaning of the Swiss Federal Data Protection Act (FADP). This is any information that enables us to identify you immediately or by combining it with other information. In this respect, we act as personal data controller for the processing of personal data described in this privacy policy (hereinafter: the “Policy”), in particular when you use our Services or browse our Website.

The Policy sets out the conditions under which we process your data, as well as the choices available to you regarding the collection, use and disclosure of such personal data in accordance with the Swiss Federal Data Protection Act (DPA) and, when applicable, the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) (RGPD), as well as any other personal data protection laws that may be applicable.

2. When you use our Services

2.1.Personal data that may be processed

When you use our Services, you will be asked to provide us with a certain amount of personal data.

2.1.1. For newsletters subscribers:

The personal data that we collect from subscribers are as follows:

  • Email
  • IP address and information on visitor behavior on the site

2.1.2. For customers:

The personal data that we collect are as follows:

  • Last name
  • First name
  • Postal address
  • Telephone
  • Email
  • Order information
  • IP address and information on visitor behavior on the site
  • Billing details (bank account number, IBAN, billing address)

2.1.3. For customers who request assistance via forms on the site, we collect:

  • Last name
  • First name
  • Postal address
  • Telephone
  • Email
  • IP address and information on visitor behavior on the site
  • Personal information provided by the user to resolve an error or a problem.

2.1.4. When you use our Services as a professional, you may be asked to provide additional information such as:

  • Company name
  • Address
  • Job title
  • Details of employees in charge of the order.

You are also free to provide us with additional data.

2.2.      Purpose of use of personal data

2.2.1. Supply of Services

We use your personal data to perform our Services, interact with you and respond to your requests.

In this case, the legal basis for processing personal data is the need to perform a contract and, if you have freely decided to provide us with additional data, your consent.

2.2.2. Meeting our legal obligations

We use your personal data to fulfil our legal obligations, such as keeping accounting documents or responding to requests from legal or administrative authorities.

In this case, the legal basis for processing is compliance with a legal or regulatory obligation to which we are subject.

2.2.3. Marketing

We use your personal data to send you information about our Services. Your consent is requested if required by applicable law. You can always object to marketing communications. Your personal data may also be used for the development of our Services in order to test your interest in the creation of new Services.

In this case, the legal basis for processing is the pursuit of our legitimate interest in informing you and developing our services, or if required by applicable law, your consent.

2.2.4. Pursuit of our legitimate interests

We may use your personal data to pursue our legitimate interests, which include, but are not limited to, detecting fraud, collecting debts and investigating any complaints we may receive from you or third parties.

In this case, the legal basis for the processing is the pursuit of our legitimate interests as described in this privacy policy.

3. When you subscribe to our newsletter

When you ask to receive our newsletter, we collect your e-mail address so that we can share it with you. A confirmation e-mail is sent to your address to confirm your consent. This processing is based on your consent, and you can unsubscribe from our newsletter at any time.

4. When you browse our website

4.1.      Introduction

When you browse and interact with our Website, automated data collection technologies are used to collect certain personal data about you in order to understand your actions (e.g. which links were clicked, which pages were viewed), as well as other similar data and statistics (e.g. content response times, download errors, length of time spent on certain pages, type of browser used or location of connection). This information is collected using automated technologies such as cookies.

4.2.      Cookies and web beacons

4.2.1. Personal data that may be processed

Cookies are text files that identify visitors and store their personal preferences (e.g. language choice) as well as technical information (e.g. click and clickstream data).

Web beacons, or clear GIFs, are very small transparent images (1 pixel by 1 pixel) integrated into a website. They enable us to collect information on website visitor activity, such as the operating system used, the browser used, the IP address and the time spent on the website.

4.2.2. Purpose of use of personal data

We use cookies and web beacons to facilitate access to the Website, to understand how you navigate our website and to identify Website malfunctions. This also enables us to improve your experience and the design and content of the Website.

In this case, the legal basis for the processing is the pursuit of our legitimate interest in improving your experience on our website and getting to know you better.

4.2.3. Collaboration with third-party companies

In order to operate the Website, we may collaborate with third-party companies that place cookies or web beacons on the Website. These companies help us manage the Website and offer additional products and services. The use of these technologies by these third parties is then subject to their own personal data processing conditions and is not covered by the Policy.

4.2.4. Cookie deactivation

The use of cookies can be deactivated by selecting the appropriate settings within the browser used. However, such deactivation may prevent the use of certain functionalities of this Website. For more information on cookies: and

Depending on your browser, you can also deactivate Google Analytics by installing an add-on or by following these instructions. You can also see how your personal data is used when using Google Analytics.

You can also change or withdraw your consent for non-essential cookies at any time by clicking on this link:

4.2.5. Third-party social networks

When you allow a third-party social network (such as Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, TikTok, Instagram, etc.) to share with our accounts, we may receive any data you share publicly on that social network and data that is part of your profile. This may include basic data relating to your account (first name, last name, e-mail address, gender, birthday, city of residence, profile photo, user ID) and any other data or activity you authorize the third-party social network to share. These social networks are governed by their own terms of use and privacy policies, which we invite you to read.

5. Communication of personal data


We may use external service providers acting as processors, in particular service providers to manage and/or maintain the Website, analyze traffic on the Website, send messages on our behalf, conduct research, monitor and analyze the status of our network and the effectiveness of our communication. In the case of sales, your personal data may be used by Bank, credit card company, retailer and marketing agency. Personal data is only communicated to them to the extent necessary to carry out the tasks entrusted to them.

5.2.Communication to third parties

We may pass on your personal data to third parties (i) if this is necessary for the purposes for which you have voluntarily provided it to us, (ii) if you have given your prior consent or (iii) if we are permitted or obliged to do so by law (e.g. at the request of a judicial authority, to enforce our legal rights or to collect a debt with the help of a debt collection service).

5.3.Transfers abroad

Personal data is processed in Switzerland as well as in European Union countries with an adequate level of protection.

Where data is transferred to countries which do not have an appropriate level of protection, this is guaranteed by the Standard Contractual Clauses (SCCs) approved by the Federal Data Protection Commissioner. A copy of these SCCs is available on request from one of the contact addresses listed in section 6.

Data may also be sent to other States when needed. The Company will then comply with the applicable rules and adopt the required and necessary measures prior to the transmission of personal data abroad.

6. Security and confidentiality of personal data, retention period

In view of the risks involved, we have implemented state-of-the-art technical and organizational security measures to protect your personal data against accidental or intentional manipulation, loss, destruction, disclosure or unauthorized access.

Personal data is kept for as long as is necessary for the purposes of processing, for a duration of 10 years. Personal data may be kept longer if there is a legal or contractual obligation to keep the data. Personal data can be kept for a shorter period if you revoke your consent.

7. Rights

You have the right to be informed, free of charge, of any personal data stored about you and, where such data appears to be inaccurate or incomplete, to have it corrected or deleted. You also have the right to object to the processing of your personal data, provided there are grounds for doing so.

If you wish to exercise any of these rights, you may contact us by email at

You may also contact our representative within the meaning of art. 27 RGPD, Mr. Marc Fiaux, by postal mail at the following address: Chemin de l’Epinglier 5, CH-1217 Meyrin/GE Switzerland. In all cases, proof of your identity may be requested.

If you reside in an EEA state, you have the right, where the RGPD applies, to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority, in particular in the Member State in which your habitual residence, their place of work or the place where the breach is alleged to have occurred is located.

8. Policy update

We may update this Policy from time to time without notice.

We will seek to bring any significant changes to your attention. If you have provided us with your e-mail address, you will be informed of the new Policy by e-mail. The new Policy will also be available on the Website.

The use of our Services after a modification of the Policy is an explicit acceptance of the modifications, in the same way as the continued use of our Website.

9. Contact

If you have any questions or requests relating to this Policy or to the processing of personal data by us, you can contact us by post or e-mail at the following addresses: Chemin de l’Epinglier 5, CH-1217 Meyrin/GE Switzerland –